A beginner's guide to Google Data Studio blending
As compared to tools like Tableau or Looker, Google Data Studio is pretty simple. However, for a lot of users, it will be their first confrontation with data manipulations like case formula or data blending. In this article, I’ll explain in detail how to blend data sources. It can be pretty intimidating, but don’t worry; it is not that complicated. What is data blending? Data blending is a feature of data studio allowing you to cross, merge, join (or whatever term you want to use) data sources.
Bend data studio to your will with "photoshop" layers or How to freeze Table rows
Here is a short article on how to freeze top rows in Google Data Studio with Tables. The fix itself might be quickly outdated but the solution is interesting as it shows how to play with “layers” to bend Data Studio to your will. The issue When you create a table in Google Data Studio, there is no way (yet!) to freeze the first row. I’m not talking about the header of your table but the first “real” row.
How to transfer google data studio ownership
Transferring Google Data Studio ownership is not as straightforward as it should. Firstly it is essential to understand that transferring ownership of a report is not the same as transferring ownership of a Data source. If you want to own a dashboard fully, you will need to own the report but also the Data Source. Secondly, you can only transfer Reports ownership to a Google account from the same domain.
How to share Google Data Studio Reports and Data Sources
A lot of people are confused about sharing and managing access with Google Data Studio. I think that most of the confusion comes from the fact that you can share and manage access at Reports level or Data sources level. Understanding this distinction is crucial. It will help you bring much more granularity in the way you share and manage access to your reports and data sources. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.
How to dynamically return product array with Google Tag Manager and standard enhance e-commerce data layer using a lookup table
In this article, I’ll show you how to create a dynamic data layer variable to return the products array for each e-commerce action (e.i impressions, add to cart, checkout, etc…). Credit goes to Simo Ahava. He gave me this tip while answering a question I asked on the slack measure channel. The issue: multiple data layer variable returning the same product array When you want to return the products array with a standard Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce data layer, you have to create multiple data layer variables.
Réaliser l'audit de votre implémentation Google Analytics: quel Intérêt?
Les clients qui me contactent pour corriger ou améliorer la configuration de leur implémentation Google Analytics hésitent très souvent lorsque je leur propose d’entamer notre collaboration avec un audit. Cet exercice est mal perçu et considéré comme trop couteux. Pourtant l’audit est indispensable pour commencer n’importe quel projet de web analytiques et présente de nombreux intérêts comme nous allons le voir dans cet article. Qu’est-ce que l’audit d’une implémentation de Google Analytics?
4 reasons why you want to use Supermetrics for Google Sheets in 2019
I’ve been using Supermetrics regularly for over four years. I installed it for the first time in July 2015, when I started my first job as a data analyst. My first task was to create a report with Google Analytics and Facebook data. I had the template to fill manually, but I didn’t see myself spending days copying and pasting data from various interfaces. I was lucky enough to have some previous experiences working with twitter API, so I look for a way to automate all this, and then I find Supermetrics.
How to consolidate Google Analytics properties with Supermetrics for Google Sheets
There are many available options to consolidate Google Analytics properties. Here is a recipe using Supermetrics for Google Sheets and a Google Sheets formula. In this guide, I will extract data from various Google Analytics property in separate sheets using Supermetrics and consolidate them into a master sheet using a Google Spreadsheet formula. Before starting you will need to have Supermetrics installed and being familiar with it. If not, you can read my beginner’s guide.
How to pull Google Analytics data to Google Sheets with Supermetrics
This article is a simple guide on how to pull Google Analytics data into Google Sheets using Supermetrics for Google Sheets. Firstly I will detail how to create a simple query step-by-step. Secondly, I will share a few query examples. Finally, I’ll give some tips to help you use Google Analytics correctly when extracting data. I will consider that you have Supermetrics already installed and you’ve already created your first Supermetrics Queries.