A beginner's guide to Google Data Studio blending

As compared to tools like Tableau or Looker, Google Data Studio is pretty simple. However, for a lot of users, it will be their first confrontation with data manipulations like case formula or data blending. In this article, I’ll explain in detail how to blend data sources. It can be pretty intimidating, but don’t worry; it is not that complicated.

What is data blending?

Data blending is a feature of data studio allowing you to cross, merge, join (or whatever term you want to use) data sources. To understand how it works, imagine your data sources as tables of data. When blending data, you will cross these tables using a “join key.” A join key is a common element to your data sources. Based on this join key, a new blended data source will return all the rows from the second table matching a join from the first table. Let’s take a look at the following example:

Example fo data tables

In this example, we have two data sources presented as simple data tables. As the Name column is in the two tables, it will be our key join (our common identifier if you will). When blending these two tables, you get the table below where you can find all the information from the source one and the source two:

blended data table

How to blend two sources


I’ll guide you step-by-step to blend two data sources. Let’s imagine we have two data sources. In the first source, we have three columns:

In the second source, we also have three columns:

We want to combine these two sources to create a third table with four columns:

The Source / Medium column will be our join key as it is the common column of these two data sources.

Data source blending

Step-by-step guide

blended data source

Final thoughts